Today is a very emotional day for me. This is my daughter’s first day of school. She has had plenty of first days of school, but this one is different. This is her first day of school in an American school as a TEACHER! Yikes, can it be possible!
I remember the day when we began homeschooling all those years ago. She was so eager to learn. She had such a love for reading and for learning about other cultures. We fought about her handwriting and she wanted to do things her way! She led the way and it was quite the journey.
We did spelling bees with stuffed animals where she would spell the words for them. One by one they would “miss a word” and she would ALWAYS win. We went to the library and would check out the limit of books they allowed. I finally got her a library card so that we could check out additional books. And she read most of the books.
As she grew older, she loved to write and she wrote these sordid tales with love triangles, romance, handsome leading men and women in distress. She played basketball and became interested in speech through a speech class at a co-op.
When she began high school, we started attending classes at another co-op (the one I eventually became the director of) and that is where she began liking math. When she took Algebra I, she wanted her career path to include something where she could do algebra equations.
Upon entering college, she learned to love writing again through a creative writing class. Jana decided to major in English literature with a emphasis in Linguistics and a minor in Classical Studies
Once she completed college, she began preparing to go on the mission field and then taught in Burundi, Africa for 2 years.
Now for the full circle part, I was also a teacher before I had my kids. I taught 11 years in a combination of public and private schools, and home educated both of my kids from birth through high school. I have the heart of an educator even though I am not currently working in the field of education. Wow, little did I know she would follow in my footsteps.
Psalm 37:23 (KJV) The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
As your children are growing up, be encouraged. Trust God, follow His word, and your children will grow up to be a contributing member of society. Who knows, they may even follow in your footsteps.
This is Jana on her first day of teaching in a public charter school and yes she is showing a little attitude. And I am that mother who takes pictures of their children on the first day of school even if they are 26 and a teacher.
I hope I never stop being excited over my kids’ milestones. 🙂 Congrats to your daughter on her first day! Blessings to you both.