It is hard to believe that this is the first year in 22 years that I am not directly involved in the homeschooling movement. I homeschooled both of my children from pre-school through high school and was director of a homeschool co-op until May 31st of this year.
So I would like to encourage all you brave homeschooling parents to hand in there and to “keep the faith.” For me, homeschooling was the most rewarding, yet frustrating (at times) endeavor I encountered. Rewarding in the sense that I was fortunate enough to hang out with my kids and frustrating in that it didn’t always go the way I planned.
Prior to homeschooling, I was a public school educator who did not believe in homeschooling. I thought homeschooled children were not properly socialized (yeah right, ha,ha). How could a child learn how to socialize without being around their peers all day? Little did I know! I also thought you had to have a bachelor’s degree in education to teach children. Wrong again!!! Some of the most gifted, caring, and intelligent teachers I have come in contact with are homeschooling moms without a bachelor’s degree.
Once I began homeschooling, I was hooked. Sure, there were times that my husband and I considered putting the kids in a more traditional setting but we never felt it was the thing to do.
Actually, my son did not want to homeschool during his high school years. We prayed about putting him in a private school but did not feel a peace in our spirits and followed that still small voice. About 2 years ago my son thanked me for not giving up on him and on homeschooling. Thank God we listened to that inner voice and not our sons voice.